Refinancing & Consolidation

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Want to make sure your home loan is working for you?

With so many new and different types of home loan products now available, Stewart would love to give you a helping hand.

With interest rate uncertainty, it’s even more essential to get the loan that’s absolutely right for you.

Here’s a few reasons why you may want to refinance:

  • the interest rate offered on your current mortgage is NO LONGER competitive
  • To get peace of mind with a fixed rate, or to reduce your monthly payments
  • To consolidate credit cards, personal loans or other debts to reduce your interest rate and monthly repayments
  • To unlock the equity in your home to finance a renovation or free up some capital for property investment

Home Loan Health Check

Whatever your circumstances, it pays to talk to Stewart and get a complete Home Loan Health Check.

Stewart will start by getting an exact picture of your objectives and an understanding of your needs.

  • Are you refinancing to reduce your interest rate or to pay off your loan faster?
  • Are you looking to access the equity in your current property for renovating, to purchase an investment property or because you want to free up some extra cash?

That’s because Stewart is here to help. As a very experienced broker he will help you take a good look at your existing home loan arrangements and quickly help you work out whether it’s right for your new circumstances or whether there are other options you should explore. We are here to look after your interests at all times and not that of the bank!

Which Loan is Suitable For You

Stewart will then use our unique Infynity software to evaluate which loan from our panel of lenders is most suitable for you. In an hour or so we’ll compare and contrast hundreds of different loan products to help find one that’s right for you. Whether it’s a new loan product or even your existing home loan.

To speed the process up, it’s best to bring as much documentation as you can to your first meeting, like proof of income, bank, credit card and loan statements and personal identification.


So What Are Your Waiting For?

Make an appointment for a Home Loan Health Check or apply online today – now that’s a simple choice.